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For a longitudinal dataset subject to irregular observation, use a Cox proportional hazards model for visit intensities to compute inverse intensity weights


iiw(phfit, data, id, time, first)



coxph object for the visit process


The dataset featuring longitudinal data subject to irregular observation for which inverse-intensity weights are desired


character string indicating which column of the data identifies subjects


character string indicating which column of the data contains the time at which the visit occurred


logical variable. If TRUE, the first observation for each individual is assigned an intensity of 1. This is appropriate if the first visit is a baseline visit at which recruitment to the study occurred; in this case the baseline visit is observed with probability 1.


A vector of inverse-intensity weights for each row of the dataset. The first observation for each subject is assumed to have an intensity of 1.

See also

Other iiw: iiw.weights(), iiwgee()


#> Attaching package: ‘nlme’
#> The following object is masked _by_ ‘.GlobalEnv’:
#>     Phenobarb
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:MEMSS’:
#>     Alfalfa, Assay, BodyWeight, Cefamandole, Dialyzer, Earthquake,
#>     Fatigue, Gasoline, Glucose, Glucose2, Gun, IGF, Machines,
#>     MathAchieve, Meat, Milk, Muscle, Nitrendipene, Oats, Orthodont,
#>     Ovary, Oxide, PBG, Phenobarb, Pixel, Quinidine, Rail, RatPupWeight,
#>     Relaxin, Remifentanil, Soybean, Spruce, Tetracycline1,
#>     Tetracycline2, Wafer, Wheat, Wheat2, ergoStool
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:lme4’:
#>     lmList
Phenobarb$event <- 1-as.numeric($conc))
data <- Phenobarb
data <- data[data$event==1,]
data$id <- as.numeric(data$Subject)
data <- data[data$time<16*24,]
data <- lagfn(data, lagvars=c("time","conc"), id="Subject", time="time", lagfirst = NA)
#>   Subject  Wt Apgar ApgarInd  time dose conc event id time.lag conc.lag
#> 1      42 2.8     9     >= 5  14.0   NA 13.3     1  1       NA       NA
#> 2      42 2.8     9     >= 5  95.5   NA 13.9     1  1     14.0     13.3
#> 3      28 3.2     9     >= 5   2.0   NA 16.9     1  2       NA       NA
#> 4      30 1.8     8     >= 5   6.3   NA 17.9     1  3       NA       NA
#> 5      30 1.8     8     >= 5 226.3   NA 16.5     1  3      6.3     17.9
#> 6      56 0.6     4      < 5  20.0   NA 18.8     1  4       NA       NA

mph <- coxph(Surv(time.lag,time,event)~I(conc.lag>0 & conc.lag<=20) + I(conc.lag>20 & conc.lag<=30)
 + I(conc.lag>30)+ cluster(id),,data=data)
#> Call:
#> coxph(formula = Surv(time.lag, time, event) ~ I(conc.lag > 0 & 
#>     conc.lag <= 20) + I(conc.lag > 20 & conc.lag <= 30) + I(conc.lag > 
#>     30), data = data, cluster = id)
#>   n= 95, number of events= 95 
#>    (59 observations deleted due to missingness)
#>                                         coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se     z
#> I(conc.lag > 0 & conc.lag <= 20)TRUE  0.6546    1.9243   0.3566    0.2914 2.246
#> I(conc.lag > 20 & conc.lag <= 30)TRUE 0.3741    1.4537   0.3142    0.2621 1.427
#> I(conc.lag > 30)TRUE                      NA        NA   0.0000    0.0000    NA
#>                                       Pr(>|z|)  
#> I(conc.lag > 0 & conc.lag <= 20)TRUE    0.0247 *
#> I(conc.lag > 20 & conc.lag <= 30)TRUE   0.1535  
#> I(conc.lag > 30)TRUE                        NA  
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#>                                       exp(coef) exp(-coef) lower .95 upper .95
#> I(conc.lag > 0 & conc.lag <= 20)TRUE      1.924     0.5197    1.0870     3.406
#> I(conc.lag > 20 & conc.lag <= 30)TRUE     1.454     0.6879    0.8697     2.430
#> I(conc.lag > 30)TRUE                         NA         NA        NA        NA
#> Concordance= 0.544  (se = 0.023 )
#> Likelihood ratio test= 3.53  on 2 df,   p=0.2
#> Wald test            = 5.19  on 2 df,   p=0.07
#> Score (logrank) test = 3.49  on 2 df,   p=0.2,   Robust = 6.28  p=0.04
#>   (Note: the likelihood ratio and score tests assume independence of
#>      observations within a cluster, the Wald and robust score tests do not).
data$weight <- iiw(mph,data,"id","time",TRUE)
#>   Subject  Wt Apgar ApgarInd  time dose conc event id time.lag conc.lag
#> 1      42 2.8     9     >= 5  14.0   NA 13.3     1  1       NA       NA
#> 2      42 2.8     9     >= 5  95.5   NA 13.9     1  1     14.0     13.3
#> 3      28 3.2     9     >= 5   2.0   NA 16.9     1  2       NA       NA
#> 4      30 1.8     8     >= 5   6.3   NA 17.9     1  3       NA       NA
#> 5      30 1.8     8     >= 5 226.3   NA 16.5     1  3      6.3     17.9
#> 6      56 0.6     4      < 5  20.0   NA 18.8     1  4       NA       NA
#>      weight
#> 1 1.0000000
#> 2 0.5196749
#> 3 1.0000000
#> 4 1.0000000
#> 5 0.5196749
#> 6 1.0000000